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kool 90's kidz
Festival of C4nn3$  is a virus

Fernanda Pujol (Porto Alegre, RS, 1990) lives in São Paulo.

Master's student in Visual Poetics at ECA-USP, Bachelor of Visual Arts at UFRGS (2016). She went on an exchange program to Argentina to study Cine and TV at UNC (Córdoba, 2014). She works with artistic research and production in video and has been producing the independent video exhibition Festivau de C4nn3$ since 2016.

In 2019, she curated and produced the video exhibition Habitar (Casa Baka, Porto Alegre, RS). From 2016 to 2017, she participated as a scenography and costume assistant at The Orphanage Mass - Times of Solitude, whose edition was directed by Camila Bauer (Theatro São Pedro, Porto Alegre, RS; Theatro Guarany, Pelotas, RS). In 2016, together with Lu Rabello, she curated the show Audiovisual in Progress, at Cine Novo Esquema (Cinemateca Capitólio, Porto Alegre, RS). In 2013, she was assistant curator of Maria Amelia Bulhões in the section Web Artgives20th International Biennial of Curitiba (Curitiba, PR).



Artistic residency Vórtice - Experimental video laboratories promoted by INVE, Plataforma Experimental de Artes, Cucao, Chiloé/Chile.



individual exhibition


Video Collages, curated by João G. Queiroz - Acervo Independente, Porto Alegre/RS

Group exhibitions, exhibitions and festivals


VIDEOLATINAS, curated by Khadyg Fares and Vivian Berto - Espaço Villa Mandaçaia, São Paulo/SP

XOOL, Ultracinema Room - Mexico


Bogotá Experimental Film Festival - online, Colombia

VIDEOLATINAS, curated by Khadyg Fares and Vivian Berto - lux art space - online, Brazil


6th CODEC - Festival Internacional de Cine Experimental y Video - online, Mexico

Cordillera Galeria Residencia - online, Chile

Festival of C4nn3$ - The audiovisual march - online, Brazil

Radical City, Cineclube of Oficina Cultural Oswald de Andrade - online, Brazil

Bogotá Experimental Film Festival - online, Colombia

Vutamuseo 11, Museo de Arte Moderno de Chiloé - MAM, online, Chile

Arkino, el cine y el archivo - online, Mexico


Video Raymi, International Video Art Festival, Pisaq/Perú

Festival of C4nn3$ - DDD V0Lt4 p4r4 l0s 4ñ0s 20 - Galpão Terra,Sao Paulo/SP

Art, cinema and guerrilla warfare, Sala Antonio, Galeria Vermelho,Sao Paulo/SP

Cineclub Espiral, Santiago/Chile

ULTRAcinema, Cine Experimental y de Found Footage, Guelatao, Oaxaca/Mexico

C4nn34 presents: Fragmentum Cinema: Sueños - Massapê Projetos,Sao Paulo/SP

International Festival of Experimental Video Proceso de Error, Valparaíso/Chile.

Festival of C4nn3$ - Without years of history - Canvas Gallery,Sao Paulo/SP


C4nn3$: Urgent - Prego Gallery, Porto Alegre/RS

Happy Aura - C4nn3$ Festival - Aura Gallery,Sao Paulo/SP


Distinct Drums - Pinacoteca Barão de Santo Ângelo, UFRGS, Porto Alegre/RS
CONTRAFLOW, exhibition by Daniela Távora and Fernanda Pujol - Espaço 900, Porto Alegre/RS

Muestra.Mostra Port//Al - Casa13, Córdoba/Argentina

The Girls and Drawers Drawings - Café Cartum, Porto Alegre/RS
Show [INTERMEDIATE] IEAVi #2 - State Institute of Visual Arts - IEAVi, Porto Alegre/RS
Short film screening All Women in Cinema - Casa Peirô, Porto Alegre/RS
C4nn3$: this is not a festival - Acervo Independente, Porto Alegre/RS
Festival of C4nn3$ Desvairada - Institute of Arts UNESP,
Sao Paulo-SP
C4nn3$ Festival {live} - UFRGS Institute of Arts, Porto Alegre/RS
Festival of C4nn3$ 2 - Instituto de Artes UFRGS, POA, RS and Casa Taller, Córdoba/Argentina
Audiovisual Sem Destino (AVSD) - Pinacoteca Barão de Santo Ângelo, UFRGS, Porto Alegre/RS
LOTE and Videoarteca Sectional Córdoba - Institute of Arts UNESP, São Paulo/SP
Touch of Curfew - SuBte Gallery, Alvorada/RS
navi in the square - open-air studio artistic action developed by CCMQ at the invitation of the Porto Alegre Tourism Secretariat and Café da Praça - Praça Otávio Rocha, Porto Alegre/RS
Old Processes in Photography - CCMQ, Porto Alegre/RS
II PANORAMIC - Gallery of the Arches, Usina do Gasômetro, Porto Alegre/RS
Being in shape - Ex-position - Castelinho do Alto da Bronze, Porto Alegre/RS


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