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Fragmentum Cinema: Suenos, 2019, 76min.

At the invitation ofINVE, Experimental arts platform, me and 41 other artists, provoked by the theme of the dream, individually produced a small video. The 42 videos were brought together in a collective feature film to celebrate the sixth edition of theError Process Festival. Fragmentum Cinema: Suenos  is an overview and anthology of the work of various Latin American authors.


Susana Díaz Berrios / Niles Atallah / Ana Fernández / Emilce Avalos / Fanny Leiva / José Miguel Barriga / Nicolás Valiente B. / Cristóbal León / Guillermo Ribbeck / Santiago Colombo Migliorero / María José de los Ángeles / Silvio de Gracia / Mar Rodríguez & Anette Hermosilla / Diego Peña / Bárbara Oettinger / Colectiva Avivar / Efraín Robles / Andrea González / Paulina Soto / Duo Strangloscope / María Paz Basso / Cristián Tàpies / Michael Ramos-Araizaga / Paula Ábalos / Flavia Furtado / Silvina Szperling / Juana Solassi / Angie Saiz / Paula Alejandra Garzón / Pablo Molina Guerrero / RAV230779 / Ignacio Ruiz / Karina Ogaz / Roberto Mathews / Javier Sinclair / Juvenal Barría / Javiera Yáñez Riquelme / Ayra Lillo / Carlos Pino / Fernanda Pujol / Daniela Lillo Olivares / Marcos Nath

Organized by INVE, Plataforma Experimental de Artes (Chile)

Participation in exhibitions and festivals:


XOOL, Ultracinema Room - Mexico.


Bogotá Experimental Film Festival - online, Colombia.


6th CODEC - Festival Internacional de Cine Experimental y Video - online, Mexico.

Bogotá Experimental Film Festival - online, Colombia.

Vutamuseo 11, Museo de Arte Moderno de Chiloé - MAM, online, Chile.

Arkino, el cine y el archivo - online, Mexico.


Video Raymi, International Video Art Festival, Pisaq, Peru.

Cineclub Espiral, Santiago, Chile.

ULTRAcinema, Cine Experimental y de Found Footage, Guelatao, Oaxaca, Mexico.

C4nn34 presents: Fragmentum Cinema: Sueños - Massapê Projetos, SP, SP.

International Festival of Experimental Video Proceso de Error, Valparaiso, Chile.

great-grandmother, 2019, 2'25''

I participated with the video great-grandmother, a strange premonitory dream about the arrival of death.

The original video features Spanish subtitles of muted dialogue. Here's the translation:

- How did you leave grandma's house?

- I jumped out the window.

- And the fire?

- You haven't gone up to the second floor yet.

Direction: Fernanda Pujol / sound production: Renan Vasconcelos / participation: Brunna Moura, Fiona (the cat) and Isadora Faro / thanks: Flávia Martinek / special thanks: Rosa Lumi

The individual technical sheets of each video can be checked on the organizers' website:

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